The Final Week

 This week we focused on wrapping up the course and the materials we learned over the semester, while also reflecting back and seeing what we would want to be changed or what aspects we enjoyed. I think my favorite screen was actually Pan's Labyrinth. I think that del Torro did an amazing job with this film, especially including the costuming for all of the mythical creatures. 

I definitely discovered that I prefer watching films with a group rather than individually. I know that some people in the class said they disliked it because other people would distract them more than just watching independently, however, I think it is the opposite for me as I found myself to be much more attentive to the films we covered when they were screened as a class. 

I personally think that next semester for a Wes Anderson film that The Grand Budapest Hotel would be a very fun film to watch because of how fast-paced it is compared to the Life Aquatic. I am also a very big fan of old comedy-horror movies such as Buffy the Vampire Slayer or even the Addams Family, especially with the new Netflix show Wednesday. 


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