The Social Dilemma
The Social Dilemma is a documentary created to show how social media is designed and tell people that it is designed specifically with addiction in mind. The documentary explains that this is all done by the companies to manipulate peoples views, emotions, and behaviors all while maximizing their profit.
I found this very interesting overall, escpecailly when the documentary dove deeper into the technology and artifical intelligence that makes apps like this possible. In specific, the interviews with software developers caught my attention as I am in my senior year of electrical engineering and there is a very strong influnece of coding in my major.
This is certainly a heavy topic to acknowledge, especially if you have been able to stay unaware of just how much information about you is out there. It brings up the overall question of how do we reduce the dependance of these technologies that are doing nothing but selling off our information to the highest bidder. Unfortunetly, because of the addicting basis for these apps, it becomes very difficult to change your routine however after watching a documentary like this, it can certainly make it easier to reduce your technological "footprint".
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